



Taking a strategic approach to communications is crucial in effectively reaching the right consumer. A well-thought-out strategy understands the demographics, psychographics, and communication preferences of the target consumer and ensures:

  • The message aligns with the target audience’s interests, preferences, and behaviors.

  • Increases the likelihood of engagement.

  • The message is delivered through platforms most frequented by the target audience.

  • Addresses consumer needs and pain points to foster a deeper connection and resonance.


Farming Campaign

My client approached me about doing a farming campaign tailored to a selection of neighborhoods within the Seattle area. I was provided a list of ideas with which to develop strategic messaging and drive creative direction through CLAY, our in-house marketing agency.



When writing broker biographies it’s important to understand the broker, their business, and their target audience. I conduct an in-depth interview with the broker to create a snapshot into who they are that helps support efforts to secure successful partnerships with buyers and sellers.



In my role as Communications Editor I was the sole data analyst, writer, and designer. I produced quarterly reports covering Seattle and the Eastside in addition to two annual reports: the Forecast Report and the Waterfront Report. I still run data and write remarks on the market on a periodic basis as needed by my clients, but it’s no longer a primary focus for communications.



My scope of expertise includes a variety of other communication, including but not limited to:

  • Blog Posts

  • e-Blasts

  • Editorial

  • Internal Communications

  • Magazines

  • Press Releases

  • Property Remarks


Communication is your ticket to success if you pay attention and learn to do it effectively.

/  theo gold  /